Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring Time in the Garden

Liam likes to visit all the plants and ask me 100 questions about them

Mmmmmm the smell of a Magnolia Blossom

The Magnolia Tree and Weeping Cherry always take of the front of the house at this tie of year!

I do wish  the Magnolia Blossoms could be with us all summer!

Yellow Tulips

 These Pink Tulips did not want to cooperate with the picture, they are such a soft subtle shade.
Bleeding Hearts one of my very favorite Spring time perenials

The last Daffodil in bloom

Another very good smell in Liam's book.

Into a vase on the Nature display!


  1. Great pictures Kim! Makes me wish I took more time to plant flowers!

  2. wow look at that magnolia. How lucky are you to have all that scrummy loveliness in your garden! You take beautiful pictures. I'm so glad you are sharing them here :-)
