Monday, May 9, 2011

Here I am!

I love writing!  I have been saying for a while I want to do a blog.  And this morning the day after mothers day I have been inspired to start my blog.

A few things that have catapulted me to do so.  On Friday my 7 year old had a school mother's day presentation where the children write about their mom and it is read outloud.  2 things my dear son said, that warmed me to no end.........................."My mom's favorite hobby is sewing"  I loved to sew and haven't done so in years, since the children arrived into my life!  But he knows me well enough to know this!  And the 2nd thing "My favorite memory with my mom was when she use to take me to art school"  To know that is something he remembers touched me right in my heart.  That was 3 years ago and it was just a toddler and mom class held at the local Micheal's craft store.  I know he enjoyed it, I did too and it was 1 on 1 time for him and me!

So now that I have all 4 of my dear children here!  That is a complete family for us!  I am Re-Awakening my creative whimsy.  I used to sew, not great but not badly and there are things I want to  make!  I also want to be able to knit and crochet, a few years ago I dabbled in those 2 needle arts, I didn't complete anything...............This weekend with the help a a dear friend "The most beautiful person I know" she taught me how to read a pattern and I am on the road of making a crocheted doll!

Last thing for now, my children love the Great Outdoors, so inspired by another blogger Laura Whalen, we have started a Nature display on the kitchen table.  Here is a link to Laura's blog, I suggest you read all of her post, I could bind them up in a book and read them every night before bed!

My Spring Gardening is in full swing and I think I will be boring everyone with pictures of my favorite plants!


1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world. I've 'met' so many lovely people through it, and learnt so much. I'm so honored you feel inspired by us here. love and hugs x x
